PLEASE NOTE: This application is to BECOME A MEMBER of the Cabrinha Quest. It is NOT to apply for a job. If you are applying to become a member please first go through the “Membership” tab so you understand how it works and the costs involved. If you are interested in working for us please join our newsletter, we make announcements for openings there.

    1. How did you hear about Offshore Odysseys and/or The Cabrinha Quest? Please let us know if anyone referred you.

    2. What is the extent of your sailing experience? Please list all relevant ocean travel, including any night sailing, heavy weather experience, navigation experience and if you've sailed out of sight of land. Note: none required.

    3. Have you ever participated in an multi-day expedition or trip (climbing, hiking, rafting, diving, etc.)?

    4. What three words best describe your personality?

    5. Please share some of your strengths and weaknesses?

    6. Ocean passage making can be a physically demanding endeavor. Please describe your regular physical activities or sports. Include what types of exercise you pursue, how often, and for what length of time.

    7. Do you get seasick? If you know you do, how do you handle it?

    8. What are your expectations, goals, hopes, fantasies, fears, etc. for The Cabrinha Quest?

    9. Have you travelled much? What kind of travelling?

    10. How do you handle group conflict? Please provide a real life example.

    11. What activities would you like to participate in on The Cabrinha Quest? (surf, dive, kitesurf, snorkel, spearfish, etc.)

    12. Do you presently own a boat? If so, what type?

    13. What unique skills do you have?

    14. What languages do you speak?

    15. How much time off do you receive each year? How flexible is that time? If not flexible, when would you want to sail?

    16. What kind of foods do you like? Any food requirements we need to prepare for?
    Please be detailed here. i.e., love desserts, must have eggs for breakfast, want to eat healthy, vegetarian, etc.

    17. Do you smoke?

    18. What are your three favorite magazines and three favorite websites?

    19. What do you do in your spare time?

    20. Tell us one achievement you are most proud of and why?

    21. What is the best advice you ever received?

    22. What kind of music do you like?

    23. Anything you would like to add?

    Please attach a photo of yourself, or mail to (4MB max).
    NOTE: This pic could be used on our member's profile pages, please let us know if you do not want this photo public

    PLEASE: if you do not hear from us promptly, check your spam folder as we reply very quickly. Even better, add to your safe senders list