Venezuela entrance
Pulling into Venezuela

The crew of The Best Odyssey has been on a short hiatus the last couple of weeks, but we’ve been far from docile. After the last trip ended in Grenada Jody, Nico and I sailed down to Trinidad to pick up a couple new sails, then headed east over the top of Venezuela to Puerto La Cruz to prepare her for our absence. A number of large projects will be completed before our next trip July 21st, including a tow winch for the dinghy for paragliding a few thousand feet over sea level, a large solar panel array to minimize generator run time, a new freezer to keep the beers cold…

Venezuela entrance
Coming into Puerto La Cruz

Jody and I enjoyed being in Seattle for less than 48 hours, then flew up to Alaska to do some paragliding and bush plane flying with Jody’s brother for the solstice. Kind of strange living in a place that never gets dark, but it sure makes for a lot of hours of playing to your hearts content. Flying several thousand feet over the Talkeetnas also made for some of the best paragliding we’ve ever done.

Frigate Island, Union
Gavin Flying in Alaska
Paragliding Alaska
Note the wing above the ridge

We’ve just opened reservations to all the owners for the 08′ season in the South Pacific, which takes us through the Galapagos, Gambiers, Tahiti, Bora-Bora, the Tuamotos, Austral islands (for the Humpback whales), Cooks, Tonga and Samoa. But for now we’ll enjoy our poolside company back in Puerto La Cruz, a family of large iguanas that patrol the area in style.

Our neighbor

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