Offshore Odysseys is the management company, formed in 1999 to operate expeditions by sea. The Best Odyssey and The Cabrinha Quest are the names of our collaborative expeditions from 2006-2011 with Best Kiteboarding and 2012 through current with Cabrinha Kites.
15 Adventures, 10 days and 9 nights in length (unless otherwise posted) of kiting in paradise, sailing the unknown, surfing where none ever have before. See our schedule.

An expedition by sail is not an exact science, but the ways of ancient navigation still make sense today, and we have more than 20 years of intimate experience of all the major ocean-routes. On the most basic level, we will usually be moving west with the wind. 5 months north of the equator (generally December-April) and 5 months south (June-October), with two months inbetween for transit, maintenance and crew leave. We start very generally by studying cyclone seasons, wind, currents, almanacs, pilot guides, cruising guides, etc. Then we take into account good places to lay the boat up for maintenance each year (cost and services). Then we start pencilling a route, doing more specific research by any means available on each location: anchorages, ports, provisioning, airports, previous experience, etc. Then we hand off the itinerary to your travel concierge who researches exactly when and how you can get out to and from the boat, which leads to inevitable tweaks in dates and locations. Once the dates and locations are hard-wired then the real research begins- we tap into local knowledge, other cruising reports, study the charts, Google Earth and surf reports for waves and other spots of interest. And of course- we rely on own past experience, which of course is known only to us!

Creating the itinerary is without doubt one of the most arduous and yet exciting elements of the expedition. We are currently on our 3rd circumnavigation.

Very few of our trips will be oriented around those wanting to learn, because many places we ride are not suitable. You should be able to stay upwind before joining the expedition. We recommend taking at least a week long intensive course before joining. We nearly always have a professional on board for personal instruction. Instruction is an additional charge.
Absolutely. Many of our members and guests do not kite and there’s always plenty of opportunity for sailing, scuba diving, surfing, paragliding, snorkeling, freediving, shore excursions, photography…
Cabrinha is a sponsor of the expedition. They supply all our kitesurfing gear. They are not involved with the ownership or operations of The Cabrinha Quest, but we work closely together to carry out both an enduring and awesome expedition as well as tackle our mutual environmental concerns relating to the Ocean ecosystem. Guests have access to all of the boat’s first-rate Cabrinha equipment, or you can bring your own.
A number of reasons: Charters are only offered in very confined regions- areas that are hardly “remote”; boats used in charter are equipped with the bare minimum of accoutrements, and maintained at a basic level; charter crews are not versed in kiteboarding and don’t know where to take their guests; our cuisine is world class…The list goes on and on. The Cabrinha Quest is an expedition to find the most remote and idyllic places to explore, sail, kite, surf, and SUP the world has to offer. We are a private boat, going to incredible places with an amazing group of passionate people. The Cabrinha Quest is absolutely a first-class operation, operated by the world’s foremost experts in ocean-based adventure travel. Charters are a small boat version of a cruise, which couldn’t be more different from how we operate. Ask anyone who has done both!

Memberships start at $ 13,800 (for full 5 year) to join and can be traded, sold, gifted or inherited*. This is a one-time fee. Right now 60% off to join for year 4 & 5 (+ bonus year 6). Annual fees start at $ 6900 USD. This covers all the operational expense of the yacht (crew salaries, maintenance, fuel, insurance, etc.). In addition there is a $ 50 per person, per day provisioning fee (does not apply to Celestial memberships) which covers all prepared cuisine (meals and snacks), and limited beer and table wine (we have a cash bar on board at our cost for additional purchase).

* Subject to restrictions, which are covered in our Membership contract.

In the event the Member does not wish to use his/her membership in a particular Season, the Member must still pay their annual fees regardless of the reason. The trip can be transferred to a friend or family member for a fee*, or as long as the Operator is given no less than 90 days notice the operator shall exercise reasonable efforts to re-market the Members trip for that particular Membership Season and will remit to the Member 90% of any funds received for the re-marketed membership. For the avoidance of doubt the Operator makes no representation that it can re-market the membership.

NEW! We now have Cancel for Any Reason (CFAR) trip insurance that we highly recommend purchasing before your trip (it is very reasonable, and we cover $250 of the cost). If you cannot make your trip (for any reason), or we cannot operate the trip for reasons beyond our control (ie something like Covid-19), 75% of the trip cost is refunded and we will credit the lost 25% towards a future itinerary.

*Please refer to the Membership contract for details.

In very rare circumstances yes- but only if a member cancels a cabin and it needs to be resold. We are not a charter operation and only allow people to board who are friends or family of members and have been properly screened in advance.

At all times. A full comprehensive blue water plan covers the asset, crew, membership value, and our members. There is no personal liability in joining the expedition whatsoever. However, trip cancellation insurance and trip health insurance are highly recommended (we have a group plan that is very cheap for trip health insurance and trip cancellation insurance can be arranged through our agent).
We will circumnavigate the world over the course of six years, seeking the best spots for no less than ten months of each year. There will be an emphasis on the Pacific Ocean as the scope, wind, waves, underwater critters, and scenery are better there than anywhere else. Trust us! Our itinerary is developed 6 months in advance to allow members plenty of time for planning their trip.

The expedition lasts six years from our launch in June 2019. Membership will expire at the termination of the expedition. Flex Members are only obligated to pay annual fees for 3 years, full Members are obligated to pay annual fees for 5 years (the 6th year is optional and you only take a trip that year if you want to). Members have first right of refusal on any open cabins or cancellations for just an additional annual fee (substantial discounts will apply to members if it is a last-minute booking- see “Reciprocal Member to Member Open Cabin Program‘ below).

The Operator (Offshore Odysseys) is given first rights to buy out your membership(s) at market value. If the Operator does not want your membership(s), you are free to sell it/them on the open market, but any new member must be screened and approved by Offshore Odysseys.
Please refer to the membership contract for details.

Please see the Membership Levels page for the cost and structure differences of our memberships. All memberships are currently discounted 60% to reflect the 3 first years of the planned 6 year expedition are complete. BUT ALL MEMBERS can always take extra trips in any given year if there is space. Your membership guarantees you a certain number of trips, more can always be purchased for an additional annual fee.

Our new “Flex” memberships are for those people who can’t commit to taking a trip every year (only available in year 1 and 2 of the expedition). Our Flex Memberships give members the choice of a minimum of three trips over the course of the six year expedition- taken when your schedule allows and the itinerary suits. Flex Members have the same rights as full members to take additional trips if cabins are available (ie first right of refusal on cancellations), but do not have booking priority as full members do (ie full members are given booking priority when requesting trips each year).

If we have any cabins open due to last-minute cancellations (inside of 60 days from departure), they can be booked by Ocean and Celestial members for 75% off the normal annual fee. Ocean Flex and Celestial Flex can book last minute cabins for 50% off the normal annual fee.
Yes. As 1 membership represents 1 cabin and we have 3 guest cabins, you can purchase a CELESTIAL or CELESTIAL FLEX membership to book the boat privately each season and bring whomever you want.
Time requests will be submitted near the middle of the season for the next season’s sailing (December of each year) and all be handled on our Reservations page. Time can be swapped with other members. Our reservation points system ensures all members are treated equally in their trip choices over the span of the expedition.
It would be very unusual for a trip to have to be cancelled (we haven’t had a single cancellation, or delay in 20 years). In the unlikely event that we experience health issues with the crew, or we have a critical breakdown that cannot be repaired in time for sailing, your trip will be cancelled and rescheduled at a convenient time. We recommend trip insurance which covers cancellation.
Firstly, our Captains are trained in wilderness first response (basically, remote EMT) and we have a VERY comprehensive medical kit on board for most eventualities. However, if outside help is needed we have an on-call medical director (ER doctor) which we can contact anytime via satellite phone. We also have 24 hour broadband internet access. Travel insurance is a MUST and NEEDS to cover evacuation. This insurance is mandatory for all our members and we have our own group plan that costs just a few dollars a day.
Discovery typically sails with all 3 member cabins booked. Some members will want to have the yacht for themselves for a period of time. By selling memberships on a per cabin basis you have the added flexibility to trade time with other members so it will be possible to have the yacht exclusively one year and perhaps choose to sail with other members another year. Celestial members have the boat privately and can bring anyone they want.
As one membership equals one cabin, the easiest way to ensure you can bring others is to buy another membership. Short of this, we anticipate several members will not be able to take their trips for various reasons some years, in which case they would post their trip as available, and you could then buy that trip from them. If you have children that are under 15 years of age, you have to be a CELESTIAL member and have the boat privately to bring them as we have found younger kids may not be appreciated by other guests.
Offshore Odysseys will be in charge of all aspects of management, running the yacht and developing the yearly itinerary.
Our two Crews (they are on 6 month on/off rotations) will be under contract for the duration of the expedition and given considerable cash bonus incentive to fulfill their contracts. In the unlikely event that a crewmember leaves for medical or other reasons we have two back-up crews who have run Discovery in the past as well as our CEO, Gavin McClurg will be immediately available to carry on operations seamlessly. Acceptable replacements will then be found in a timely manner.
No. Our insurance policy will have medical and third party liability coverage and as we are incorporated, you cannot be held liable for anything in relation to the operation of the yacht.
Absolutely. But please note that annual fees must be paid each year or the membership expires.
Yes, many. We can get you in touch with any of our owners that were with us for 5 years of The Best Odyssey immediately by phone or email or any of the members in the Cabrinha Quest, which ended April of 2018. We can also put you in touch with the CEO’s of any of our sponsors, or any of the dozens and dozens of people who have been out with us in the past 20 years.
You will be sent one upon acceptance of your application which spells out in detail all the responsibilities of the Operator (Offshore Odysseys) and User (you!).